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Rouzer Introduces Legislation to Prohibit Federal Funds from Being Used to Provide Gender Transition Procedures to Minors

WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman David Rouzer (NC-07) joined Congressman Rich McCormick (GA-06) along with 43 cosponsors in introducing the Protecting Resources Of Taxpayers to Eliminate Childhood Transgender Surgeries (PROTECTS) Act to prohibit federal funds from being used to provide gender transition procedures to minors.

“Gender altering surgeries for minors can result in permanent, irreversible damage and not a single taxpayer dollar should be used to fund them. I’m proud to support the PROTECTS Act to help keep children safe by ensuring these experimental procedures do not receive federal funding.” - Congressman David Rouzer (NC-07)

“The majority of America can agree that the federal government should not be funding sex change procedures for minors. Children do not have the cognitive development to make life-altering decisions. The PROTECTS Act is a great first step in addressing a fundamental problem that the US government should be no part of.” - Congressman Rich McCormick (GA-06).

Gender transition procedures not only pose significant ethical concerns but also have long-term negative effects on a child's physical and mental well-being. Studies show that 80-95% of gender-dysphoric children stop experiencing dysphoria after puberty if the child receives no hormonal or surgical intervention. The irreversible damage of these procedures to children spurred Congressman McCormick to introduce this legislation to prevent the federal government from funding these completely unnecessary practices. 70% of taxpayers are opposed to these experimental and irreversible treatments on minors. American tax dollars should not be used for these cruel, mutilating surgeries.

The legislation is endorsed by the Alliance Defending Freedom, Family Research Council, Frontline Policy Action, and Family Policy Alliance.

Congressman Ralph Norman (SC-05) says, “I am happy to be a cosponsor of the PROTECTS Act; preventing minors from undergoing these horrible mutilation procedures that are, in most times, irreversible should be a top priority for every lawmaker. I have been passionately outspoken about my opposition of any of these procedures being done on minors, but especially when they are funded by tax dollars. With a nation that is in insurmountable debt, the last thing we need is to use hard-earned taxpayer dollars for these horrific treatments.”

“The PROTECTS Act represents an important step in safeguarding our children from irreversible, life-altering procedures. We must prioritize the long-term health and well-being of our youth, ensuring that federal funds are never used to support gender transition procedures for minors, which are not only unethical but also cause irreparable harm to their physical and mental development.” - Congressman Lance Gooden (TX-05)

“Leftist gender transition propaganda has sparked a movement of appeasing gender dysphoric children and young teens with irreversible, harmful medical procedures. I firmly oppose subjecting any child under the age of 18 to these procedures, and certainly not funded by our taxpayer dollars. The PROTECTS Act ensures taxpayers will not foot the bill for gender transition procedures on minors,” said Congressman Greg Steube (FL-17)

“All children are made in the image of God; to change their gender is to disregard the blessing given from above,” said Congresswoman Carol Miller (WV-01). “Gender transition procedures on minors are traumatic, experimental practices that harm the wellbeing of children before they’re fully developed. The PROTECTS Act will stop taxpayer money from providing gender transition procedures while defending our nation’s minors from these dangerous practices.”

“Right now in America, experimental surgeries and medical practices are being inflicted upon young children with treatable mental disorders. Every week, more people are coming forward to tell their story about being permanently damaged from these unnecessary surgeries and expressing extraordinary regret that no one was there to intervene for them and help save the quality of their life. Forcing American taxpayers to foot the bill for these surgeries and treatments will only encourage more of these grotesque medical acts to harm other children. I’m glad to join Rep. McCormick in introducing this legislation to protect American children and prevent our tax dollars from being spent these dangerous, experimental, and profoundly harmful medical procedures.” -Congresswoman Beth Van Duyne (TX-24)

“Federal taxpayers should not be paying for gender transition procedures for our nation’s children,” said Congressman Troy Nehls (TX-22). “As both a father and husband to an elementary school principal, I am disgusted by the Left’s radical agenda that causes permanent and irreversible damage to children. Enough is enough. I am proud to join my colleague, Congressman Rich McCormick, in preventing taxpayers from funding the mutilation of American children.”

“Americans’ hard-earned tax dollars should never be used to fund the sexual mutilation of children. These procedures are experimental and irreversible,” said Congressman Tiffany. “Thank you to my colleague, Rep. McCormick, for spearheading this legislation and continuing the fight to PROTECT America’s children.” -Congressman Tom Tiffany (WI-07)

“Forcing sex reassignment surgeries on minors is child abuse, and American tax dollars should not be used to prey on vulnerable children. I’m proud to stand with Rep. McCormick in protecting our kids.” -Congresswoman Mary Miller (IL-15)

“I am proud to stand by Congressman McCormick and my colleagues to stop taxpayer dollars from being used to carry out gender transition surgeries on our kids. These operations can have long-term damages and our government should not be subsidizing them,” said Congressman Tony Gonzales (TX-23).

“I have heard from many young Americans who have underwent gender transition surgeries,” said Congressman Glenn Grothman (WI-06). “This is a clear recipe for depression and disaster among our nation’s youth. I am sure the vast majority of taxpayers would be appalled that their hardworking tax dollars would be going to such a preposterous cause. I am a proud cosponsor of the PROTECTS Act to preserve the principles that define our nation by safeguarding the future of our children and ensuring American taxpayers are not funding these cruel, irreversible procedures.”

“American tax dollars should never be used to mutilate children,” said Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24). “Radical pro-transgender policies continue to be pushed on our children, threatening their well-being and safety. Not only are gender transition procedures dangerous, but irreversible, making legislation to prevent the federal government from supporting these surgeries critical. The PROTECTS Act ensures tax dollars are not used to fund these procedures on our nation’s youth. I continue fighting to protect our children against these radical and woke ideologies.”

“I’m proud to join with Congressman McCormick in cosponsoring this legislation to stop your taxpayer dollars from being used to pay for childhood gender transition surgeries. Gender altering surgeries on minors is child abuse and Congress must act to stop the radical Biden Administration from funding it,” said Congressman Alex X. Mooney (WV-02).

“I will always fight to protect our children from radical and dangerous gender transition ideology. We need more Americans to stand up and say this is wrong. And as legislators, we must do everything we can to stop these invasive and irreversible procedures on vulnerable children.” — Congressman William Timmons (SC-04)

“As a grandfather to 17 grandkids, I find the Left’s relentless attack on America’s children despicable,” said Congressman Brian Babin (TX-36), Congressional Family Caucus Co-Chair. “Federal funds should never be used to mutilate or permanently alter minors. It’s unethical and wrong.”