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This is shocking...

First, my thoughts and prayers are with all of those who witnessed and were harmed during the devastating and heinous attack at the Christmas parade in Wisconsin on Sunday.  Let’s keep each child and adult injured in our prayers as well as those who lost a friend or loved one.  They all need our support and prayers as they begin to heal.

Last week, the House voted on President Biden’s so-called “Build Back Better” legislation, also known as a budget reconciliation bill.  Before the vote, so many of you reached out to express your opposition to this bill.  I voted against this legislation because of the damage it will do.  Here are some of the more egregious policies included in the bill.  Please take a look and feel free to share this resource with a friend.

A Glimpse of What's in President Biden's Socialist Tax and Spending Legislation

  1. Innovation-Killing Price Controls: The bill would institute government price-setting of prescription drugs which will lead to significantly less private investment in new cures.  This would also limit seniors’ access to medicines and drastically harm pharmaceutical innovation, resulting in fewer new drugs and fewer generic drugs being developed.

  2. Amnesty for Millions of Illegal Immigrants: The bill would lead to amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants at a time when illegal border crossings continue to reach historic levels, incentivized by these very policies.  In October alone, U.S. Customs and Border Protection apprehended 164,303 illegal immigrants at our southern border.  This is a 128% increase from last October. 

  3. Fails to Include Hyde Amendment Protections:  The bill does not include Hyde Amendment protections, which means that taxpayer dollars can be used to fund abortion.  For decades there has always been bipartisan agreement in both chambers that taxpayer money would not be used for abortion — until now.  This is a drastic break from that long-standing agreement.

  4. Funds Biden’s Banking Surveillance Apparatus: The bill would provide the IRS nearly $80 billion and doubles the size of the agency by hiring 87,000 new agents to snoop around your bank account, giving the IRS broad authority to target families, farmers, and small businesses.  If you spend an average of $28 a day (and who doesn’t when you factor in housing, groceries, utilities, etc.), your bank account would be fair game.  This may be the worst provision of all.  It’s by far the most intrusive and, therefore, likely to be the most abusive provision.  

  5. Small Business Taxes: The bill includes more than $400 billion in tax hikes on small business, which will perpetuate the ongoing labor shortage crisis and hurt businesses that play an integral role in our communities.

  6. Eliminates Work Requirements: The bill eliminates work requirements for able-bodied welfare beneficiaries at a time when there are more than 10.4 million job openings.

  7. Made in America Tax: The bill includes $1.5 trillion in tax hikes, including tax increases on American businesses who compete both here and around the world, driving American jobs, investment, and manufacturing back overseas.

  8. Green Welfare Subsidies: The bill includes $550 billion in green welfare subsidies for the wealthy and the world’s biggest corporations.  It includes an Electric Vehicle tax credit, with up to $12,500 available to families making up to $500,000.

  9. Increases Energy Costs:  This bill impedes and bans domestic energy and mineral production, increasing our dependencies on resources supplied by OPEC, Russia, and China.  It would also raise taxes on natural gas, increasing the cost of almost everything.  American household energy bills would increase by 30 percent.

  10. Money for Gun Control: The bill would spend $2.5 billion for “Community-based Violence Intervention initiatives” which could be used to deny 2nd Amendment rights without due process.

With passage secured in the House, the bill now awaits action in the equally divided U.S. Senate where the Vice President breaks any tie vote.  Hopefully, the bill stalls and dies there.  Any changes they make will have to be adopted in the House as well before the bill can be sent to the President for his signature.

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