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Latest from Rep. Rouzer

Two parts to today’s update: the latest on the Democrats’ effort to pass a partisan $1.9 trillion pork barrel spending bill, and information about the easing of COVID-19 restrictions in North Carolina announced by the Governor last week.

Two parts to today’s update: the latest on the Democrats’ effort to pass a partisan $1.9 trillion pork barrel spending bill, and information about the easing of COVID-19 restrictions in North Carolina announced by the Governor last week.

First, Democrat leaders successfully jammed through the House their $1.9 trillion spending package in the dead of night on Saturday morning.  I’ve written previously on what’s included in the massive spending bill, but here is the bottom line to remember: less than 9 percent of the funding in this legislation is actually committed towards fighting the epidemic, and more than $1 trillion of the COVID-19 spending appropriated by Congress this past year for pandemic relief hasn’t even been spent yet.  Further, excluding the $1400 in direct payments, approximately 50 percent of the entire package isn’t even authorized to be spent until 2022 and later.  That tells you all you need to know. 

We now await action in the Senate, which is due to take up its own version of the reconciliation bill later this week.  After the Senate passes its version, it is likely House Democrat leadership will bring the revised Senate version to the House floor for a vote.

Also, North Carolina Gov. Cooper announced the easing of some of the state’s COVID-19 restrictions late last week:

  • The order requiring people to stay at home and businesses to close to the public between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. has been lifted.
  • The indoor gathering limit has been increased to 25 from 10, while 50 remains the limit for outdoor gatherings.
  • The curfew on alcohol sales for onsite consumption has been moved back to 11 p.m. from 9 p.m.
  • Some establishments, including bars and amusement parks, may now open for indoor patrons with occupancy restrictions.

For more information on the governor’s order, click here.

Later this week, House Democrat leadership will attempt to pass two more partisan pieces of legislation, H.R. 1, legislation mandating a federal takeover of state and local elections banning voter ID in those states that have it (among many other bad provisions), and a radical anti-police “reform” bill.  Stay tuned for more about these bills, both of which I’ll be voting against.