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Rouzer Action Report: Energy and Gas Prices

The Rouzer Action Report is an update regarding action I’ve taken on some of the most pressing issues facing our country.  This is not a comprehensive listing of all actions, but a few highlights that I thought you would find meaningful.  If this resource is helpful to you, please consider recommending it to a friend.  If someone forwarded this resource to you and you would like to continue receiving updates, you can sign up for this newsletter here.

Energy and Gas Prices

I support an “all of the above” approach to energy production and usage in this country.  I am committed to doing everything in my power to increase domestic production so we can decrease energy prices for all Americans.  That’s why I’m a member of the House Energy Action Team (HEAT). 

Every natural resource we have should be on the table.  North Carolina has the potential to be a major player and leader in off-shore wind development placed miles off the coast, which would provide a great opportunity to put in place a revenue-sharing program that will ensure our infrastructure needs can be met — that means roads, bridges, water, sewer, nourished beaches, and clear and clean rivers, inlets and waterways. 

Rouzer Action

Cosponsored Legislation

  • H.R. 684 – Keystone XL Pipeline Construction and Jobs Preservation Act: This bill authorizes the TransCanada Keystone Pipeline to construct, connect, operate, and maintain the pipeline facilities in Phillips County, Montana, for the import of oil from Canada to the United States.

  • H.R. 1575 – Unlocking our Domestic LNG Potential Act of 2021: Grants FERC the authority to approve or deny import/export of natural gas to or from foreign countries.

  • H.R. 751 – Protecting American Energy Production Act: Requires Congressional approval before a moratorium can be declared on the use of fracking.

  • H.R. 543 – POWER Act: Requires Congressional approval before prohibiting or delaying new energy or mineral leases on federal lands.


  • led a letter to President Biden urging additional pipeline infrastructure in the wake of the Colonial Pipeline cyberattack.

  • I led a letter to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) with Rep. Deborah Ross (NC-02) urging the leases of offshore wind energy areas in North Carolina.  Leases are being pursued.

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