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About President Biden’s First 100 Days…

Although he promised to govern with bipartisanship and unity during his campaign and in his inaugural address, President Biden’s first 100 days have been defined by controversial partisan policies.  We’re experiencing a catastrophe at our southern border, attempts to pack the U.S. Supreme Court, higher gas prices, the Green New Deal disguised as an infrastructure bill that includes historic tax increases to pay for it, trillions in wasteful spending, and a slew of harmful, job-killing executive orders.

President Biden’s belief that a bigger government is the solution to all problems is wrong for American workers and families.  We should not be increasing the size and scope of the federal government.  We should be leaving in place the tax and regulatory reforms that led to one of the greatest economic recoveries ever in our country’s history — not repealing them and adding another almost $6 trillion in spending that will only make it that much more likely that a major uptick in inflation will take hold.  


  • Congress passed a $1.9 trillion spending package that funded far-left priorities with only 9% of the bill going to COVID relief.
  • The President and Speaker Pelosi are proposing a more than $2 trillion bill under the guise of "infrastructure," even though just 6% ($115B) of the spending in the bill goes to roads, bridges, and highways, while, for example, more money ($174B) goes to electric vehicles and $400 billion goes to Medicaid expansion, which has nothing to do with infrastructure.  These are just two examples.  
  • The President outlined a $1.8 trillion plan this past week that will dramatically expand the size and scope of the federal government under the guise of helping families.


  • The infrastructure bill is estimated to destroy up to 1,000,000 jobs over two years by raising taxes on businesses by more than $2 trillion, including raising the corporate tax rate higher than Communist China’s.
  • The President has already signed into law $60 billion in new taxes since taking office.
  • His proposals would represent the largest tax increase on the American people in generations

Ignoring the Border Catastrophe

During his address, President Biden failed to provide any specific proposals that would solve the border catastrophe he created by repealing Trump’s border policies.  President Biden encouraged illegal immigrants to try to unlawfully enter the country by saying the border would be open under his Administration, he ended the successful Remain in Mexico policy, he halted construction of the border wall, and he continues to deny that the problem is significant, despite these harrowing statistics:

  • 400% increase in migrant apprehensions compared to March 2020.
  • 5,018 individuals with criminal records arrested by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
  • Over 20,000 unaccompanied minors in CBP custody or HHS care.
  • 233% increase in fentanyl seizures at the border, which is what heroin is often laced with causing many deaths.

North Carolina COVID-19 Update

As you may know, North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper signed a new executive order that took effect April 30 and will go through June 1.  To align with new CDC recommendations, the executive order lifted the outdoor mask mandate making it a recommendation from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS).

Executive Order No. 209 increased mass gathering capacity limits.  The number of people who can gather indoors increased from 50 to 100 and the number of people who can gather outdoors increased from 100 to 200.  Occupancy limits and social distancing requirements currently in place remain the same.  More information is available in the Frequently Asked Questions.

Restaurant Revitalization Fund

The U.S. Small Business Administration is taking applications for the Restaurant Revitalization Fund.  The Restaurant Revitalization Fund (RRF) offers grant awards to eligible types of businesses that have experienced pandemic-related revenue loss.  Click here to find a list of eligible businesses and information on what you need to fill out the application.

For today’s good news story, I want to honor two of Brunswick County’s World War II veterans who were recently recognized for their service to their country: James “Jimmy” Smith Sr. and Robert “Bob” Bradicich.  Jimmy Smith, who died in January 2020 at the age of 94, was awarded his third Purple Heart from injuries received during the Battle of the Bulge; he was also eligible for a Bronze Star.  His son, Jim Smith Jr., accepted the medals.  Bob Bradicich earned the Purple Heart, Good Conduct Medal, the European African Middle Eastern medal with one silver star signifying five campaigns, the World War 2 Victory Medal, and the Combat Infantry Badge.  Thank you to both of these American heroes!