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Coronavirus Update -- June 19, 2020

Here’s today’s update:

  • Numbers released by the state’s Department of Health and Human Services for Thursday indicate that the COVID-19 situation remains an ongoing concern here in North Carolina.  Thursday was another high day, with 1,333 new COVID-19 cases reported while the percent of positive tests was at nine percent.  857 individuals are currently hospitalized across the state due to the virus, the highest number so far.  It’s a reminder that we should all remain vigilant and take the necessary steps to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe as we go about our daily lives.

  • Testing rates continue to improve, with an average of 16,800 tests a day statewide over the past seven days.  There are more than 500 testing sites across the state.

  • North Carolina has been awarded a $1.5 million federal grant to support and expand the Hope4NC program, which helps connect North Carolinians with needed mental health resources in a time of crisis.  The grant will support the Hope4NC Helpline (1-855-587-3463) and help fund other counseling programs for individuals affected by the COVID-19 crisis.  More information about the grant is available here and more mental health resources are available here.

  • The CDC continues to update its guidance for employers, businesses and workplaces as they seek to reopen and operate safely.  This page from the CDC includes a host of resources useful to employers on how to best protect employees, customers, and others from the COVID-19 threat.

  • The Department of Veterans Affairs has said that telehealth appointments for veterans through its VA Video Connect have increased by 1,000% over the duration of the COVID-19 outbreak, helping tens of thousands of veterans access needed care and receive medical advice from their doctors safely from the comfort of their own homes.  Expanding telehealth services has been a major priority of the Trump Administration since the beginning of the crisis and statistics like these show that it is helping to keep our veterans healthier.

For today’s good news story, I’m highlighting the Columbus Chamber of Commerce and Tourism, the Columbus Jobs Foundation and the City of Whiteville, which worked together to provide 2,500 masks to businesses in Columbus County.  These masks will help keep both employees and customers safer as we all work to defeat the virus.

As always, stay tuned to and the NC Department of Health and Human Services’ website for the latest on the outbreak.  And please feel free to send good news stories our way to highlight in this newsletter by replying to this e-mail.