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Strengthening Our National Defense and Supporting Our Allies

Strengthening Our National Defense and Supporting Our Allies

This week, the House considered the twelve Fiscal Year 2022 Appropriation bills combined into one package, also known as the “omnibus.”  This legislation was split into two votes – the security division, which included funding for our military as well as weapons and humanitarian assistance for Ukraine.  The other portion included all the other domestic spending programs.  All of these programs are known as discretionary spending, which account for about 30 percent of the total federal budget.  (The remaining 70 percent is known as entitlement spending, including debt service payments.) 

I voted against the discretionary social spending division of the package and voted AYE on the security division to fund our military, border security, law enforcement, and other priorities that will help improve our national security.  The security division also includes a 2.7% pay raise for U.S. servicemembers, funding for U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, funding for Ukraine, and support for Israel’s Iron Dome.  This support is critical in an increasingly dangerous world. 

The House also passed legislation I was proud to support ending America’s subsidization of Putin’s evil war against the Ukrainian people by terminating U.S. purchases of Russian oil.  It is a good step forward.  However, it is just as important to maximize American energy production so that America can be a net exporter of oil and gas.  This would help in two big ways in particular: It would benefit our European allies by providing them an alternative source of fuel and help drive down the cost of gas at the pump here at home.

The Cost of Inflation

In February, inflation hit another 40-year high at 7.9%.  This week, gas prices rose to the highest levels in American history.  President Biden and his Democrat allies in Congress keep breaking all the bad records, and it is impacting every sector of our economy and forcing hardworking Americans to pay more for just about everything.  This is further proof that unnecessary government spending isn’t without a price.

One year ago, President Biden signed into law his $2 trillion so-called "American Rescue Plan."  This legislation spent less than 9% on fighting COVID-19, it included $400 billion in payments that incentivized many not to work, and it spent more than $500 billion rewarding lockdowns and closures.

Economic experts warned this legislation would result in rising inflation and would increase costs substantially for every American.  Former Obama economic advisor Larry Summers warned it would cause “inflationary pressures of a kind we have not seen in a generation.”  He was right.  Democrats in Washington ignored these warnings and rammed their bill through Congress anyway.  

Another former Obama advisor, Steve Rattner, disputed President Biden's recent claims that Putin's war in Ukraine is largely to blame for the 7.9% inflation rate.

 From the Washington Examiner"Well, no," Rattner tweeted, quoting Biden's statement. "These are Feb #'s and only include small Russia effect. This is Biden's inflation and he needs to own it."

President Biden can’t blame Putin for skyrocketing prices, the 40-year high in inflation has continued to rise over the past year and it is a direct result of Democrats’ reckless spending, including the government handouts that have made it nearly impossible for businesses to find enough workers.

This Week's Good News Story

For this week's good news story, I would like to congratulate Kambron Whitaker for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout.  Completing your Eagle Project is an accomplishment for which you can truly be proud.  Congratulations on this great achievement!

Closing Thoughts...

"May our country be always successful, but whether successful or otherwise, always right." – John Quincy Adams