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Latest Update on the Border Crisis & More

An Update on the Border Crisis

The United States expects to hit 1 million migrant encounters at our southern border for fiscal year 2022 which began on October 1st.  That means within the span of just six months, we will reach 1 million encounters.  Additionally, the amount of fentanyl seized at the border could kill every American seven times over.

As the crisis at our border escalates, the Biden administration is doubling down with their open-border policies by rescinding President Trump’s successful Title 42 public health order that allows for the quick expulsion of illegal immigrants for public health reasons.  As bad as the border crisis has been, it will get exponentially worse if Title 42 expires.  In February alone, 55% of the total encounters at the southern border were processed for expulsion under Title 42.  

Now, U.S. Customs and Border Protection is bracing for a “record-breaking surge of migrants” at the border when Title 42 is repealed in May at the President’s order – with an expected 18,000 illegal immigrant encounters EVERY DAY.  

What can we do about it?  Not much except to continue to talk about it and press the issue.  President Obama once famously said, “Elections have consequences.”  President Biden and Vice President Harris campaigned on “open borders” and this is exactly what we now have. 

In the House, we have legislation that keeps Title 42 in place, and we have filed a discharge petition, of which I am a signatory, to force a vote on the floor.  But that can only happen if enough Democrats sign on since Republicans are in the minority.  And then, of course, anything that passes the House and Senate must be signed by the President.  Unless the Dems and Biden have a change of mind, Title 42 will not be reinstated.  

Biden's Reckless Budget

The annual federal budget covers three spending areas: discretionary spending (the portion of spending Congress appropriates annually, which accounts for around 1/3 of the federal budget), interest on the debt, and mandatory spending (funding for Social Security, Medicare, veterans benefits, and other spending required by law).  Mandatory spending is the vast majority of the federal budget, and it is on autopilot absent changes to the entitlement programs.  These two categories account for about 70 percent of the total budget, and it is the very reason why the debt continues to increase rapidly.  Healthcare entitlements associated with Obamacare, Medicare and Medicaid are the big drivers of the cost increases on the mandatory spending side.  

This week, President Biden submitted his fiscal year (FY) 2023 budget request to Congress, and the major spending increases proposed for non-defense discretionary programs are dead on arrival.  Those spending levels may pass in the Democrat majority House, but they are not going to pass in a Senate that requires Republican votes to get to the 60 votes needed to end debate. 

The Biden Budget Impact on Spending & Inflation 

Following Democrats’ reckless spending the past two years, inflation has now soared to a 40-year high.  Across the country, American families are facing the burden of this new hidden tax on virtually everything they buy from groceries to gasoline.  Just this week, Bloomberg reported the average U.S. household faces $5,200 in additional costs due to rising prices.  

The Biden Budget doubles down and proposes $73 trillion in government spending over the next ten years – the highest sustained government spending in American history.  This would lead to a $12,000 annual inflation tax paid by American families.   

The Biden Budget Impact on Debt & Taxes

The Biden Budget would add $16 trillion in new public debt – total debt would reach $45 trillion by the year 2032.  

President Biden’s budget calls for $2.5 trillion in new taxes or increased taxes.  

These tax hikes will weaken our economy and burden local businesses and the hard-working Americans they employ. 

The Biden Budget Impact on American Energy & the Border Crisis

The Biden Budget continues this Administration's war against American energy.  This budget blueprint adds $45 billion in new taxes on domestic energy production, but makes no plan for new domestic oil and natural gas leases or expediting pipeline construction.  This is exactly how you lose energy dominance and increase dependency on foreign adversaries.

As the border crisis worsens, the President's budget proposal advocates for even more open-door immigration policies.  It cuts funding to Homeland Security and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, continues catch-and-release, and fails to enforce the "Remain in Mexico" policy.  Additionally, there's no plan in the budget to spend the $1.9 billion for border wall construction that Republicans were able to get included in the FY22 omnibus appropriations bill.  (The 60 vote threshold in the Senate gave us leverage to get this included.) 

This Week's Good News Story

For this week’s good news story, I would like to congratulate Joshua Coombs from Clinton, N.C. for receiving the Emerging Leader Award from the N.C. Pork Council.  This award recognizes a pork producer aged 40 or younger who has contributed to the pork industry in North Carolina and exhibits potential for leadership.  Not only is Coombs dedicated to maintaining his farm which has been in the family for generations, he also serves as a full-time fireman for the Clinton Fire Department.  Please join me in congratulating Joshua on this prestigious award and thanking him for his many years of dedicated service to our community as a brave first responder.  Congratulations, Joshua!  Your service does not go unnoticed. 

Closing Thoughts...

"We have fallen heirs to the most glorious heritage a people ever received, and each one must do his part if we wish to show that the nation is worthy of its good fortune." – Theodore Roosevelt