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Never Forget

Today we remember and pay tribute to the nearly 3,000 innocent lives that were lost 20 years ago during the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.

We will never forget the victims — nor will we ever forget the extraordinary courage, service and sacrifice of our law enforcement officers, firefighters, passengers, crew and Pentagon personnel during the 9/11 attacks.  Many of these heroes made the ultimate sacrifice on that day to save others.  Through all of the devastation, the American people proved that our spirit could not be broken.

The anniversary of 9/11 is always a solemn reminder of what is at stake and why we must do everything in our power to prevent another terrorist attack.  Though our country continues to face serious threats from our adversaries both at home and abroad, we must never surrender our American ideals.  The principles that made America great deserve to survive.  

Please join me in continuing to pray for the families of the innocent lives lost, as well as those in our military who answered the call of duty to serve — then and now.

In light of the recent terrorist attacks against our troops and the ongoing crisis in Afghanistan, I know there are many veterans who are demoralized and hurt.  Veterans that served in Afghanistan need to know their sacrifice over the course of the past twenty years was not in vain.  Their role in keeping us safe cannot be overstated.  Without question, they kept America safe from another terrorist attack post 9/11.  

I will continue working to ensure Congress provides our troops the resources they need to defeat our adversaries and counter the many emerging threats to our homeland.

May God always bless our troops, their families and our country.