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Operation Warp Speed Update, & A Breakthrough for Peace in the Middle East

For today’s update, I’'m highlighting two topics: the latest on Operation Warp Speed, and some very significant developments in the Middle East peace process that came about as a result of the work done by President Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

For today’s update, I’d like to highlight two important topics this week: the latest on Operation Warp Speed, and some very significant developments in the Middle East peace process that came about as a result of the work done by President Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.


  • Earlier this week, the Trump Administration released its strategy to distribute a safe, approved COVID-19 vaccine to the American public.  These two documents, authored by the Department of Health and Human Services, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Department of Defense, lay out a plan to deliver a vaccine as quickly and reliably as possible.  

  • The plan for distributing the vaccine can be viewed here.  The Vaccination Program Interim Playbook is available here.  You can also see an overview of it below.  The purpose of this approach is to give states the tools and the information they need to be able to quickly take delivery and distribute millions of doses of the vaccine as soon as possible after it is approved.


  • While on the topic of a COVID-19, I want to note one other thing: when a vaccine is approved by the FDA and made available to the public, you can rest assured that it will be safe.  The whole purpose of the clinical trials is to establish the effectiveness and safety of it.  Some on the left have begun to play politics with people’s lives, suggesting that a vaccine might only be approved due to political pressure by the President.  This is dangerous, anti-vaxxer talk that undermines the public trust in the scientists and experts that are working around the clock to develop the vaccine.  These are career, apolitical researchers and scientists.  They are following the science, and it is science that will determine if a vaccine comes to market.

Additionally, I want to highlight another important achievement that took place this week: the signing, at the White House, of the Abraham Accords, a peace agreement brokered by President Trump between Israel, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain.  The agreement normalizes relations between the Arab countries and Israel, and lays the foundations for a lasting peace.  It is, by far, the most significant peace agreement reached in the region in decades.  

Israel deserves to be recognized by her neighbors as the vibrant, economic engine and democracy of peace that it is.  This is a game-changer — a major step towards a more peaceful Middle East — and a great achievement by President Trump and his administration. 

You can read the Abraham Accords Peace Agreement between the UAE and Israel here, and the Declaration of Peace, Cooperation and Constructive Diplomatic and Friendly Relations here.


As always, stay tuned to and the NC Department of Health and Human Services’ website for the latest on the outbreak.