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An Update on Rising Inflation, Supporting Freedom in Cuba, and PFAS

Here are a few updates on events from this week in Washington.  Thank you for subscribing, and please consider recommending this resource to a friend.

Democrats’ Tax and Spend Spree is Fueling Inflation
Inflation has increased every month of the Biden presidency due to Democrats’ massive tax and spend spree and it’s hurting American families.  From groceries to gas, we’re all paying the highest prices we’ve seen in the past 13 years.
Democrats’ policies have incentivized workers to stay home instead of returning to the workforce resulting in 9.3 million jobs that cannot be filled.  This is leaving many businesses without the workers they need to survive.  Democrats’ excessive spending has caused inflation to surge, yet they are doubling down on their reckless spending habits.  Specifically, Democrats are considering a new $3.5 trillion in extra spending in the budget on top of the $1.9 trillion Democrats passed in March in addition to the more than $4 trillion the government spends in a normal year.
American families want to keep their hard-earned money, and we must rein in Washington’s reckless spending to prevent sustained inflation.
Standing up for the Cuban People
As Americans, we must provide unequivocal support to the Cuban people fighting for freedom against their brutal communist regime.  This week, I spoke on the House Floor to implore the Biden Administration and this Congress to utilize every tool we have to help the Cuban people break the shackles of their oppressive government.  Click hereor on the image below to watch my speech.
Supporting the PFAS Action Act
Protecting our local communities and keeping our drinking water safe from PFAS chemicals such as GenX is a top priority.  This week, the House passed the PFAS Action Act, a bill to help clean up harmful PFAS chemicals.  Now that this bill has passed the House, hopefully both chambers of Congress will be able to agree on legislation that will provide our communities and utility authorities the resources they need to better address these and other unregulated contaminants.
For today’s good news story…Congratulations to the Leland Dixie Girls 12U Ponytail Softball team, the 2021 North Carolina State Champions for the Ponytails X-Play Division.  They will be traveling to Alexandria, Louisiana on July 30th to represent North Carolina and play in the Dixie Softball World Series.  Please join me in congratulating them and wishing them the best of luck as they play in the tournament!