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Latest Update from Rep. Rouzer

President Biden’s Self-Made Crises

Due to far-left policies implemented by President Biden and Congressional Democrats, several crises are unraveling that are impacting American families and making our country less secure. 

Border Crisis:­ According to a recent ABC News report, Customs and Border Protection seized more fentanyl so far in 2021 than all of 2020.  As of April, 6,494 pounds of fentanyl were seized by authorities at the border, compared to 4,776 pounds in all of 2020.

Cartels and drug traffickers are exploiting President Biden’s weak policies by infiltrating our border and pumping heroin and fentanyl into our country – directing fueling a drug crisis in the United States.  Enough fentanyl has been seized this year to kill every American four times over, yet President Biden still won’t address the catastrophe his open border policies have created.

Economic Crisis: Our national debt exceeds $28.1 trillion, and Democrats continue spending money as fast as possible with no regard for the debts we are pushing onto future generations.  While it was necessary to spend a significant amount of money to get us through the COVID-19 crisis, we must now move aggressively to address the national debt – the most significant domestic threat that our country faces.

The sooner we take action, the better.  Today the American dollar is still king, which is how we can print and borrow money with seemingly little consequence.  But huge debt to GDP ratios threatens that standing and could easily cause a significant decline in our standard of living. Rampant inflation (a hidden tax) and a significantly devalued dollar could easily lead future generations right back to the days of centuries before us, making the recent long gas lines look like a day at the beach.    

I was pleased to join my colleagues on the Republican Study Committee this week to unveil the RSC budget for FY 2022 that balances the annual budget in 5 years by reducing spending and maintaining pro-growth policies.

Energy Crisis: While Americans suffered from a domestic energy crisis and experienced sky-rocketing gas prices, long lines at the pump, and a complete lack of gasoline supply in most of North Carolina, President Biden handed Russia a gift by allowing them to finish their previously sanctioned Nord Stream 2 pipeline between Germany and Russia.  This gives Russia a dangerous advantage and puts American energy and national security at risk. 

You may also remember; President Biden cancelled the Keystone XL pipeline that would have supported thousands of American jobs and families.  Additionally, energy produced in America emits significantly less carbon than energy produced and refined in Russia.  Why is he waiving sanctions and giving an ally of Putin the greenlight to build a Russian pipeline?

Please read my latest op-ed in Fox News, co-authored by Republican Whip Steve Scalise, to see how we can secure America’s energy future following the cyber-attack on the Colonial Pipeline Company.

National Security Crisis: Israel has been under attack by the terrorist group Hamas, with thousands of rockets launched at Israel since May 10.  I stand strong with our ally Israel and the innocent civilians who are once again under attack by the terrorist group Hamas.  The United States must always support Israel’s fundamental right to defend itself and the Jewish people from violence and terrorism.  Israel is America’s aircraft carrier in the Middle East.  Can you imagine bombs raining down on your neighborhood?  It is no different for them. 

President Biden must uphold the United States’ commitment to Israel and oppose any reductions in funding or added conditions on security assistance that the ultra socialist members of the House Democrat conference are demanding. 

Speaker Pelosi’s Partisan January 6 Commission

The January 6th Commission that passed the House this week is nothing more than a platform for a Republican witch-hunt.  Under the language of the bill it is questionable that Republicans would even be allowed to have any staff, meaning that it would be 100 percent Democrat-run.  While Republicans negotiated in earnest to improve parameters that would govern the commission to examine the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, Speaker Pelosi delayed for months and prevented the inclusion of a wider investigatory scope, proving the commission is nothing more than a setup for a partisan witch-hunt.

Furthermore, there are several ongoing bipartisan investigations regarding January 6 by the DOJ, FBI, Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, as well as an apolitical review by the Architect of the Capitol to find and remedy the security vulnerabilities.  It’s important for these investigations to continue.  Unfortunately, the legislation considered in the House could interfere with and ultimately undermine these ongoing prosecutorial efforts.  

For all these reasons, I voted against this legislation.

For today’s good news story, I would like to recognize longtime Clinton resident, Yolanda Turlington, who is getting ready to celebrate her 100th birthday on June 1st.  Please join me in congratulating Yolanda on this very special milestone!  I extend my best wishes for the years ahead.  May God continue to bless her and her family.