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Rouzer Announces 7th District Art Competition Winner

  • Washington, DC Office

WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman David Rouzer (NC-07) is proud to announce Hoggard High School student Samantha Strahley as this year’s winner of North Carolina’s Seventh Congressional District Art Competition.

Strahley’s artwork, entitled “Raccoon,” will be showcased for one year in the halls of the U.S. Capitol along with other winning entries from every Congressional District across the country.

"I extend my congratulations to Samantha Strahley of Hoggard High School as this year’s winner of North Carolina’s Seventh Congressional District Art Competition,"said Rep. Rouzer. “Her artwork will be displayed in the U.S. Capitol for visitors, staff and members of Congress to see.  Every year, students from across our region demonstrate great artistic talent, and I thank each student who participated in this year's competition."

Strahley will be invited to a celebratory reception in Washington, DC this summer to view her artwork and connect with other winners from across the country.

Strahley’s piece, “Raccoon” can be found below.