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Rep. Rouzer Votes to Send EPA Back to the Drawing Board on WOTUS

Today, Congressman Rouzer (NC-7) released the following statement after the House passed the Regulatory Integrity Protection Act of 2015. 

“The Environmental Protection Agency’s attempt to unilaterally redefine the ‘Waters of the US’ is another example of government overreach.  This new definition would extend the EPA’s regulatory reach to seemingly any body of water– including water puddled in a ditch after a rain storm.   Small business owners, farmers, realtors, and homebuilders all agree: this rule is bad for business in Southeastern North Carolina.

“The Regulatory Integrity Protection Act requires the EPA to scrap their current proposal and start anew by engaging stakeholders that are actually affected by this rule.  This common sense bill passed with bi-partisan support.” 

Congressman Rouzer spoke on the House floor this afternoon in support of the Regulatory Integrity Protection Act of 2015.  His full speech can be seen here.