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Rouzer Statement on House Democrats' Socialist Tax and Spending Bill

 Congressman David Rouzer (NC-07) released the following statement after voting against House Democrats’ socialist tax and spending bill:

“Trillions of dollars in federal spending, passed under the guise of COVID relief this past year, is driving up inflation, which just recently reached a 30-year high.  As a result, families across the country are paying more at the grocery store, the gas pump — when they buy anything anywhere — and they will have to spend even more just to heat their homes this winter."  

"The situation at our southern border is out of control with the drug cartels expanding their networks all across the country, while more Americans get addicted to drugs.  Meanwhile, job creators are facing a labor shortage catastrophe, further disrupting our broken supply chain.  Not one provision in this 2,000 plus page bill will address any of these problems.  Instead, it will make each worse.”  

Congressman Rouzer spoke on the House Floor during debate on this legislation.  You can view his remarks HERE.