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Rouzer Joins Congressional Review Act Resolution to Push Back Against Federal Vaccine Mandate on Businesses

 Congressman David Rouzer (R-NC), alongside Congressman Fred Keller (R-PA) and more than 160 members of the House, introduced a Congressional Review Act resolution to formally disapprove of and nullify President Biden’s vaccine mandate imposed on private U.S. businesses.
The resolution comes after the Biden administration formally released details on the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS), which mandates vaccination requirements for employees at private businesses with more than 100 employees.  The rule will affect more than 80 million Americans and impose $14,000 fines on businesses or persons who do not comply.

Following a November 12 federal court ruling, OSHA suspended activities related to the implementation and enforcement of the vaccine mandate pending future developments in the litigation. 

"The decision to receive a COVID vaccine should be an individual choice — not a strong-armed federal mandate.  I am proud to join so many of my colleagues in sponsoring this resolution," said Rep. Rouzer.  "Not only is President Biden’s unprecedented mandate another example of severe government overreach, it further divides our country and makes the nationwide labor shortage and supply chain crisis even worse.  Furthermore, there are legitimate legal concerns regarding the constitutionality of this mandate as underscored by the federal court ruling on November 12."

Senator Mike Braun (R-IN) also introduced a companion bill in the Senate, garnering support of all 50 Republican Senators. 

Read the full text of the Congressional Review Act HERE.