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Rouzer votes to eliminate four job-killing regulations

This week, with the support of Congressman David Rouzer, the House of Representatives used the Congressional Review Act to initiate the repeal of several job-killing regulations put in place by the Obama Administration in the final 60 days of his presidency.  Repealing these regulations will make way for tens of thousands of new energy jobs, prevent expensive compliance costs for American businesses and provide citizens with more protections under their 2nd Amendment rights.

“This week, the House of Representatives took action to get rid of some of the most harmful regulations pushed through by the Obama Administration in the final days of the presidency,” said Rep. David Rouzer.  “Federal rules and regulations are estimated to cost American citizens and businesses nearly $2 trillion per year.  While there is still much more work to be done, I will continue to focus my efforts on repealing the onerous rules and regulations harming job creation.  With a president willing to sign these bills into law, we will work to drain the Washington bureaucracy by changing the regulatory structure and targeting specific rules to repeal.  I’m pleased to join my colleagues this week in reversing regulations estimated to destroy tens of thousands of jobs, put American businesses at a severe competitive disadvantage and violate our constitutionally protected liberties.”

The regulations repealed by the House of Representatives with the support of Rep. David Rouzer, include:

  • the Department of Interior’s stream protection rule.  Reverses a rule estimated to destroy one-third of our nation’s coal mining jobs and put up to 64% of our country’s coal reserves off limits.
  • the Bureau of Land Management’s venting and flaring rule.  The intended purpose is to regulate emissions from production on federal lands; however, industry is already subject to Clean Air Act standards through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).  This duplicative and costly rule has made it impossible for producers to develop resources on federal lands – reducing tens of thousands of jobs and forcing smaller operations in the oil and natural gas industry to shut down.
  • the SEC’s Resource Extraction rule.  This rule targets publically-traded American energy companies by requiring those engaged in commercial development of natural gas, minerals or oil to disclose proprietary information that can be used by their global competitors.  The SEC estimates this rule will add roughly $1 billion in costs to the energy industry. 
  • the Social Security Administration NICS rule.  This rule infringes on the Second Amendment rights of disabled Americans attempting to purchase firearms when they have a designated payee for their benefits.  This rule is estimated to impact nearly 4.2 million, law-abiding Americans wishing to exercise their Second Amendment rights. 
