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Rouzer Votes Against $740 Billion Tax and Spend Legislation

  • Washington, DC Office

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congressman David Rouzer (NC-07) released the following statement after voting against Washington Democrats' $740 billion tax and spend legislation:

"Democrats promised American families their first $1.9 trillion reconciliation bill wouldn’t lead to inflation despite warnings to the contrary from leading economists.  It resulted in the highest level of inflation in 40 years.  Now, they are claiming today's $740 billion tax and spend legislation won’t extend the current recession.  They were wrong then, and they are wrong now. 

“This legislation will prolong inflation and make it more difficult for the economy to recover by raising taxes on businesses, large and small, and by increasing the size and scope of the Federal government in multiple ways.  They extend generous Obamacare subsidies further incentivizing those not working to stay on the sidelines; they provide Green New Deal tax credits to the wealthy, and they more than double the size of the IRS — and it is not to improve customer service.  This is a bad bill.”