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Rouzer Focuses on Economic Challenges During NC-07 Business Roundtable

  • Business Roundtable

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Last week, Congressman David Rouzer (NC-07) hosted a business roundtable discussion at the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce to hear from the business community in the Seventh Congressional District about the issues important to them.

"Southeastern North Carolina’s small businesses are the lifeblood of our economy, generating the revenue which provides for thousands of jobs while giving back to the local community every step of the way," said Rep. Rouzer.  "As our small businesses face record-high inflation, labor shortages, and supply chain disruptions, Congress should be working to improve the regulatory climate and make permanent the tax provisions of the 2017 tax reform law that incentivize investment, productivity and work — not raise taxes and add to the regulatory burden as this administration and Congress are currently doing.

"Lack of workers is the number one challenge facing those who participated, and that is consistent with what I hear across all industries around the 7th District.  I appreciate the comments and feedback received during the roundtable, and I thank everyone for sharing their insights."

Participants of the roundtable included local business owners, NC-07 Chamber of Commerce representatives, economic development organizations, and local tourism representatives.