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Chairmen Rouzer, Graves Applaud Senate Passage of Resolution to Overturn Flawed, Burdensome Biden WOTUS Rule

  • 2/7/23 Water Resources Hearing
Washington, DC - Today, the Senate voted in favor of a resolution to overturn the Biden Administration’s flawed, burdensome “waters of the United States” (WOTUS) rule by a vote of 53-43. The Biden rule would lead to sweeping changes to the federal government’s authority to regulate what is considered a navigable water, with enormous impacts on small businesses, manufacturers, farmers, home and infrastructure builders, local communities, water districts, and private property owners. 

The Senate vote comes after the House of Representatives approved an identical resolution, introduced by Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Sam Graves (R-MO) and Water Resources and Environment Subcommittee Chairman David Rouzer (R-NC), on March 9th. The effort was led in the Senate by Environment and Public Works Committee Ranking Member Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV).

“Americans continue to suffer under the economic crises caused by the disastrous policies of the Biden Administration,” said Graves. “From their anti-energy agenda, to the incredibly intrusive federal overreach of their proposed WOTUS rule, the Administration is doing everything in its power to impose more red tape and more costs on our businesses, farmers, builders, and communities. The measure to overturn the Biden WOTUS rule, now approved by both the Senate and the House, is a clear message from Congress that enough is enough, and I appreciate Senator Capito’s leadership in ensuring that this resolution will now be sent to President Biden’s desk.”

“I applaud the Senate for passing our commonsense legislation to rescind the Biden Administration’s flawed Waters of the United States (WOTUS) Rule. The Administration’s new rule is a nuclear warhead aimed squarely at our farm families, small businesses, homebuilders, every property owner, and entire communities because of its overreaching definition. It will only create additional confusion and uncertainty – further harming our already struggling economy,” said Rouzer. “Today, Congress sent a bipartisan message that we oppose this unnecessary rule handed down by the Executive Branch. I urge President Biden to reverse course and join us in this effort to protect Americans from these burdensome regulations.”