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Rouzer agriculture subcommittee hosts hearing 'The Next Farm Bill: Livestock Producer Perspectives'

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 Today, Livestock and Foreign Agriculture Subcommittee Chairman David Rouzer held a public hearing entitled, “The Next Farm Bill: Livestock Producer Perspectives.”  This hearing continues the series of House Agriculture Committee hearings that set the stage for the next farm bill.  This hearing provided representatives from four of the major livestock…

Rouzer statement on POTUS speech

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Congressman Rouzer released the statement below following President Donald J. Trump’s first address to the United States Congress: “President Trump laid out a bold, optimistic vision to get our economy moving and bring jobs back to America by reforming our tax code, investing in our infrastructure, securing our borders, and rolling back harmful regulations stifling small…

Rouzer announces townhall

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Congressman Rouzer will be hosting a townhall on Monday, March 6th to hear constituent concerns and discuss the priorities of the 115th Congress.  All citizens and press of the 7th District are invited to attend.  Details are below: WHAT:  7th District Townhall WHEN:  Monday, March 6, 2017 from 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. WHERE:  Brunswick…

Rouzer votes to eliminate four job-killing regulations

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This week, with the support of Congressman David Rouzer, the House of Representatives used the Congressional Review Act to initiate the repeal of several job-killing regulations put in place by the Obama Administration in the final 60 days of his presidency.  Repealing these regulations will make way for tens of thousands of new energy jobs, prevent…

Rouzer introduces bill to alleviate EPA regulations on manufacturers, save costs for consumers

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This week, Congressman David Rouzer introduced the Stop EPA Overregulation of Rural Americans Act (H.R. 694) to reverse a detrimental regulation, introduced by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), establishing costly federal standards for the manufacture of residential wood heaters.  This onerous rule will result in substantial production costs effectively driving manufacturers…

Rouzer statement on Trump executive actions

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Congressman David Rouzer issued the following statement today in response to President Donald J. Trump’s executive actions to advance two pipeline projects, freeze federal hiring, insist on better trade agreements and ensure American taxpayers are not forced to subsidize abortions anywhere in the world: “President Trump is doing what I knew he would,” said Rep. David…

Rouzer appointed to serve on House Natural Resources Committee

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This week, Congressman David Rouzer was appointed to serve on the House Committee on Natural Resources.  “Our natural resources are a major attribute to the quality of life in our state and throughout the nation,” said Congressman David Rouzer.  “North Carolina is home to many national parks and forests, and our beaches and waterways are precious resources,…

Rouzer to co-host 2016 NC Business & Economic Development Summit

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Congressman David Rouzer (NC-07) today announced that he will be joining the entire North Carolina Congressional delegation to co-host the 2016 North Carolina Business & Economic Development Summit.  The summit seeks to advance legislative policies to increase business growth and create more good-paying jobs.  The summit will take place on Monday, September 12th and Tuesday,…

House unveils plan to reform regulatory system, grow economy

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House Republicans unveiled a comprehensive plan to grow the economy by regulating smarter, delivering affordable and reliable energy, ending bailouts, putting students and workers first and cracking down on lawsuit abuse.  This plan, referred to as “A Better Way to Grow Our Economy,” puts forth 101 recommendations and is the product of several months of taskforce meetings…

House unveils plan to fight poverty, encourage opportunity

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This week, House Republicans unveiled a comprehensive plan to fight poverty by encouraging work, expanding opportunity and increasing government accountability.  This plan, referred to as “A Better Way to Fight Poverty,” is the product of several months of taskforce meetings and discussions.  “For far too long, Washington has overpromised and under delivered…